
汉字与中国文化概论Hello China你好中国纪录片100集中英文字幕


汉字与中国文化概论Hello China你好中国纪录片简介

本资源是《你好,中国 Hello China》的视频下载,共100集,mp4标清480p分辨率(比较适合用手机等小屏幕设备观看),英语发音、中英文字幕,百度云网盘下载,适合7-12岁的小朋友观看。儿童益智情商培养大玩家特搜队嘟当曼动画片全31集

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。《你好,中国》选取了100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深,加深国外民众对中国和中华文化的了解。中国文化博大精深,历史源远流长,山山水水,花花草草,名胜古迹,英雄人物,传统习俗,传奇故事等等,你能想到的尽在其中。学英语的同时,对中国文化也是进一步了解。

汉字与中国文化概论Hello China你好中国纪录片目录

01中国 Introduction to China

02你好 Ni Hau An introduction

03孔子 Confucius and Chinese philosophy

04孙子 Sun Tzu The Ultimate Master of War

05老子 Lao Tzu Father of Chinese Philosophy

06太阳 Sun and Chinese solar terms

07月亮 Moon and its significance in Chinese culture

08农历 Chinese Lunar Calendar Introduction

09指南针 The Chinese compass and explorer Zheng He

10火药 Gunpowder An explosive Chinese invention

11纸 Paper Chinese inventions

12印刷 Invention of printing

13京剧 Peking opera An introduction

14国画 Traditional Chinese painting Water, ink and poetry

15壁画 Chinese frescoes Ancient artworks

16舞蹈 Dance brings Chinese people together

17音乐 Chinese music and its natural origins

18编钟 Traditional Chinese chime bells Bianzhong

19古琴 Gu Qin Chinese musical instrument

20书法 Calligraphy The ancient art of expression

21毛笔 Chinese writing brush Calligraphy

22西游记 Journey to the West Chinese novel

23竹 Bamboo in Chinese culture

24龙 Dragons A Chinese symbol of power

25凤 Phoenix King of birds

26功夫 Kung Fu The Oriental martial art

27太极拳 Tai chi chuan Internal Chinese martial art

28剑 Chinese sword Jian

29中医 Traditional Chinese medicine

30针灸 Acupuncture and Moxibustion

31春节 Spring Festival and its colourful traditions

32清明节 Qingming Festival (Hello, China )

33端午节 Dragon Boat Festival and its tragic origins

34七夕 Qixi Festival Chinese Valentine’s Day

35中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival An introduction

36泼水节 Water-Splashing Festival Love and luck

37属相 Animals of the Chinese zodiac

38风水 Feng Shui A system of ancient Chinese knowledge

39舞狮 Chinese Lion Dance An introduction

40门神 Door Gods Menshen

41婚礼 Chinese wedding customs

42红娘 Chinese Cupid The Matchmaker

43菊花 Chrysanthemums in Chinese culture

44礼 Chinese etiquette Respect for nature

45状元 Number one Chinese scholar Zhuangyuan

46北京 Welcome to Beijing Chinese capital

47长城 Great Wall of China An introduction

48故宫 Forbidden City Chinese imperial palace

49天坛 Temple of Heaven Beijing

50西安 Xi’an Ancient Chinese capital

51兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors

52黄河 Yellow River The Mother of China

53西湖 West Lake The pearl of Hangzhou

54园林 Chinese gardens

55三峡 Three Gorges Yangtze River

56都江堰 Dujiangyan Irrigation Dam Sichuan Province

57泰山 Mount Tai A UNESCO World Heritage Site

58敦煌 Thousand Buddha Grottoes Dunhuang

59少林寺 Shaolin Monastery Home to kung fu

60饺子 Dumplings and the Chinese family

61烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck A culinary experience

62糖葫芦 Tanghulu A traditional Chinese snack

63火锅 Hotpot Chinese food

64豆腐 Tofu Vegetarian meat

65酒 Chinese alcoholic drinks

66面条 Noodles Chinese food

67鱼 Fish

68民族 Legend behind Chinese ethnic groups

69姓名 Chinese names An introduction

70家 Chinese family values

71四合院 Courtyard Uniting Chinese families

72胡同 Hutong Chinese alleyways

73土楼 Tulou Building

74茶 Chinese tea An introduction

75筷子 Chopsticks Chinese food

76剪纸 Papercutting An introduction

77丝绸 Chinese silk and its ancient beauty

78瓷器Porcelain Ware

79玉Jade More valuable than gold

80钱Money Chinese history

81灯笼Chinese lantern customs

82风筝Kites in Chinese folklore

83皮影Shadow Puppetry A Chinese folk art

84蜡染Batik Chinese wax dyeing (Hello China

85云锦 Chinese brocade

86旗袍 Cheongsam fashion

87唐装 Tang Suit Chinese fashion

88扇子 Chinese fan

89算盘 Chinese abacus

90熊猫 Giant panda A Chinese symbol for peace

91喜鹊 Magpie The lucky bird

92汉字 Chinese Characters Introduction

93矛盾 Contradiction A Chinese tale of swords and shields

94马虎 Carelessness

95吃醋 Why ‘drinking vinegar’ means jeal

96知音 Bosom Buddy

97东西 Things

98宝贝 Baobei A precious Chinese word

99数字 Numerals Chinese Dao philosophy

100如意 Ru Yi From back scratcher to lucky Buddhist sceptre

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1h5C8wvzceS_zk8LZ74W3NA


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